And so it begins........

Howdy do!

I’m Granny Lou…..and i reckon this is my first ever blog post. I ain’t sure of what I’m doing and even less sure of what to write….but I spose it will all take care of itself as we go along. I believe in a lot of things that most folks in my neck of the woods would never admit to believing in. They would most likely say its of the devil or that a bad spirit is hanging on to me. We are gonna do a lot of talking ‘bout that kind of thinking as we go along. Don’t worry…..I will get off track…a lot….but i promise to try to make sense with it all. I have put this writing stuff off and put it off and put it off. But its hiking back and forth in my head and driving me up a wall. I reckon it ain’t gonna quit until i do some writing. So here we are….

I was raised here in the south and I’m pretty proud of it. If you ain’t from around here, you’d quickly figure out that most Southern people have one big thing in common….and no, it ain’t being backwoods, ignorant degenerates. We are plum proud to be Southern…to have our roots buried so deep in these hollers that if’n you was to try to pull our roots out of the ground, a tree two states over would fall over. I don’t agree with a lot of the stuff folks here do…..but i do agree with being proud of where i came from. Proud of my “weird” “hick” “dumb” (lots more words could go in there) accent too. Time moves at a crazy space for everyone across the globe but here in the south, it seems to move at a much slower pace. Heck fire, there are some places that i haven’t visited in 30 years, yet when you see them today, it don’t seem as if anything is different. A few folks have passed and a few more have come into this world squalling…but little else changes.

I’m not gonna go into any kind of big introductory post. I figure that little bits and pieces of me and my life are gonna fill the pages of this blog as we go along. You’ll know me pretty dang well before long as it is. What you should know up front is that whatever i think comes out my mouth. No filter. It broke a long time ago…lol. I am very blunt and in your face as well. My momma used to tell me that i couldn’t lie worth nothing….cause it all showed up on my face. I reckon that’s a good thing. If’n you don’t want the truth, don’t ask me…cause i will tell you what i think…..even if it pisses you off. The truth will still stand when the world’s on fire.

I want this blog to be about everything…not just one thing. I want to remember the good stuff….and the bad…..about growing up here. I want to talk about the good stuff…and the bad…that’s coming ahead. I want to try to help you see how i changed from who i was raised to be into who my soul intended me to be. I want to be able to help you too. Some of my stories may sound like some of your stories….and we need to talk about it. Some of your stories may be stuck in your head on repeat….and i want to help you move forward….out of the rut. We can learn and grow together….like the Universe intended us to do from the very beginning. I’m looking forward to it………

And i’m terrified at the same time. Some of the things i want to talk about are deeply buried secrets…some are taboo here in this area…and some are just plain weird. Putting myself into this post is taking my comfort level off the dang charts…..where the hell is my Early Times when i need it????

Oh…..and I cuss a lot too. If’n that upsets you, well, I reckon you might just as well go on down the road. I ain’t gonna change at my age….and don’t see a reason why i need to anyway. Just know that i love you’ins…..BIG! I hope your week starts off with a soft bang instead of one of those that sounds like the drum somebody is pounding on in your head the morning after you drained the quart jar from the night before……..bahahahahahaha.

Talk to y’all real soon……Love, Granny Lou

Lisa Burton